(Historical Notes: IT’S AN ANIME USA MIRACLE!  …I think Past Me actually used that exact joke on this page.  Then again, I also think Past Me was doing some creative figuring to get the numbers to balance out that way.  I seem to recall there was some extra expenses that I “forgot” to include, which would have meant the kindness of strangers AWA parking discount actually only came “pretty close” to covering making up the difference, not “exactly.”  But that doesn’t make for as good of a story, does it?  Either way, though, if I’m not turning a real profit on all this extra work, then what’s even the point?  I mean, it’s not like with drawing comics, where I at least enjoy the act of doing the thing.  Haven’t you been paying attention?  I HATE being a vendor!  The only reason I’ll ever do it is if I actually get some profit out of the hours of awkward misery.)