The best part is, this exchange happened with somebody who ended up shaving his beard for cosplay reasons later that weekend. See, dude? It’s like you’re suddenly a different person! Weird, isn’t it?

But yeah, literally this exact thing has happened to me several times over the years. You just get used to getting introduced to people all over again when the spiky wig’s off.

…of course, there’s also the fact that I’m usually asleep in the corner by the time any of my roommates actually show up, so it’s not like they get many chances to see me out of costume anyway.

(Historical Notes: See, stuff like this is why I don’t feel about about commuting to the con most of the time now.  I know the standard line about cons is that half the fun is hanging out with other people and not staying in a room on-site robs you of that and blah blah blah, but if my anti-social self is making this little of a connection with others even when I AM there, why even bother?)