Still less creepy than Daryl Hammond.

This seems like as good a place as any to explain how this update went stupidly awry. After several updates ran horribly late due to my not getting any comics drawn DURING the con, I decided to make a point of bashing out as many comics as I could while still in DC. This, it turns out, was a terrible plan. Well, no, it’s a great plan, assuming I can actually draw usable material while in the middle of convention craziness. But that sure as heck didn’t happen here. When I got home and took a closer look at the stuff I’d sketched out during the con, it quickly became clear that most of it was messy, unusable doodles. And before one of you smartalecks says (that’s what all your comics look like!”, I KNOW. If this is what the PRESENTABLE stuff looks like, you can’t even imagine how crappy the stuff I DIDN’T use must have been. So that’s why, despite my best efforts, this update still took three or four days longer than I wanted it to. Sorry!

(Historical Notes: Now, if this were RIC FLAIR Colonel Sanders…. then he’d be doing a lot worse than “gently caressing”)