Oh. My.Gravy. This may be one of my most favorite things I’ve every drawn. Seriously, I burst out in actual, honest-to-goodness laughter while drawing this baby. That doesn’t happen very often.

And yes, it really did happen. But no, we did NOT take any unauthorized pictures inside the Maid Cafe. Why on Earth would you think THAT? We know perfectly well that it’s against the rules to do that. Just who do you think we ARE, anyway? I mean, come on!

(Historical Notes: It took me sooooooooo long to track down a copy of that picture!  I still haven’t moved all my files from the old computer to this one yet, and either AUSA 2011 is the one convention where I never got around to posting any of my pictures online or I did so under some kind of mysterious code name I’ve long since forgotten.  In the end, I had to plug the old computer back in, copy over my whole folder of old con pics, and find it there… and then I forgot to actually include a working link when I first posted the page.  Yes, this mildly annoying task I performed while eating Twinkies cereal and never leaving my desk was just THE WORST.)