I can’t WAIT to have this problem.

The webcomic panel was a riot, almost as if it was full of people whose job is to be entertaining. From left to right, we have Danny Valentini and Donnie Sturges of Draconia Chronicles, Meghan Murphy from Kawaii Not, Monica Gallagher of Bonnie N. Collide, and Steve Naplerski of Dueling Analogs and Omake Theater (also, my apologies to Ryan Thompson of Fajita, who also joined in on the panel for a bit, but not long enough to be in the picture I was using as my reference for this)

(Oh, by the way: if you’re reading this Meghan, you’re TOTALLY right about candy corn)

(Historical Notes: Well, MOST of these comics are still active, or at least their creators still have an online presence I can link to.  By Conventional Wisdom standards, it’s actually well above average to have more that one link that hasn’t been dead for close to a decade.)