I can’t remember EXACTLY how this conversation went, for obvious reasons, but it was every bit as stupid as it looks here. It’s a wonder I could still remember how to open doors at that point.

Also, just for the record, that’s Garth Cameron Graham, author of Finder’s Keepers and Kilika from Blue and Blond contributing to the idiocy.

See what I did there? I just gave you the false impression that I actually hang out with established webcomikers on a regular basis rather than random fluke occasions! And you’ll never know the actual truth! It’s BRILLIANT!

(Historical Notes: I should probably have changed the Finder’s Keepers link to one for Star Power, to be more current, but whatever.  The link’s down here now.  Also, I miss that “Have A Day” shirt.  I actually still have it, but some kind of freak dryer mishap somehow caused the image to shrink independently of the rest of the shirt, and now I don’t really break it out very often.  Also also, wearing the goggles over my hat on Sunday might have been the first step in me eventually creating my cosplay glasses.  So I guess they served SOME point.)