The naked man in the glowing swan is from Garzey’s Wing. No, it doesn’t make any more sense if you see it in context. In fact, there really isn’t any context for anything in Garzey’s Wing.

As for Yellow Batman up there… your guess is as good as mine. I got into Anime Hell late, so if there was any explanation, I missed it. All the clips we saw were in Spanish, but it looks like one of Joseph Lai’s Korean hack jobs (like the infamous Defenders of Universe)

I should also point out that there were some genuinely awesome historical curios in Anime Hell, like some old SciFi channel ads. I kid you not, THIS was a life changing event for me.

(Historical Notes: So, apparently, “Golden Bat” here is a Korean interpretation of a Japanese character who normally looks more like a gilded Skeletor than a palette-swapped Batman… apparently.  There still seems to be very little firm information on what this thing actually is, at least as far as I could find while Googling it just now.)