There seem to be two kind of Game Rooms at cons. There’s the ones I like, which are generally full of funky puzzle games and 2D shooters (which I refuse to call “shmups” ‘cos that sounds like a noise Yoshi would make), most of which tend to be of a wacky, Japanese variety. Then there’s the kind Anime Boston had. Look, if you like FPS and fighting games, that’s awesome, more power to you, but it’s not really my thing. Thus, I had way more fun playing Studio Nasu’s Protostar demo than anything in the actual Game Room itself. (Well, I’m being slightly unfair. They DID have Raiden down there, but there was always somebody else playing it, so it still didn’t bring ME much fun)

On a side note, Artist Alley was REALLY cramped. I tended rarely spent more than a minute or two at a time in there, ‘cos it always felt like you were about to get stepped on.

(Historical Notes: There’s plenty of additional jokes to be made here via hindsight… but with my own history of missing deadlines, failing to deliver on promises, and general badness at communication, I’m not really the one to be making them.)