(Historical Notes: This is another one of those instances where I really wish I still had the original commentary for this page, because it represents an interesting transitional period in this comic’s life.  Or, to be more precise, it captures a moment where the transition has already happened, but I was trying to fight against it.  Deep in my heart of hearts, I knew I WANTED to openly call out how insufferable and obnoxious those ladies behind me were being, but I still felt an obligation to maintain a “positive” image for the comic.  So I tried to go meta and have it both ways.  Obviously, by this point, the Dark Side has long since won out, and if I were drawing this page today I’d probably just show the people behind me and draw them as repulsive and unpleasant as possible.  You still decided to come to an anime convention in the first place, you ABSOLUTELY deserve to be talked down to.  Also, I wonder if this page was originally planned to have the top two panels in a row next to each other, and the reason why the other “people” are just featureless blobs is because I had to whip them up in editing.  Another instance where having the old SmackJeeves commentary would be helpful.)