(Historical Notes: Alright, where was I?  Ah yes, the shift in how these comics got released and how it was caused by how they were or WEREN’T getting done.  The original “post everything in one big lump” model depended obviously benefited from the old comics being much sloppier and simpler to draw, so I could get more done in less time.  However, it also depended greatly on me getting at least a sizable chunk drawn DURING the convention itself.  The more of the update had to be done at home, the later the update would end up being.  And as you can see here, comics just weren’t getting drawn at the con anymore.  Some of this was intentional, since there would often be stuff I wouldn’t want to write about until after the weekend was over and I had a more proper perspective on events.  Mostly, though, I just… wasn’t getting it done.  I definitely felt like the added commute and lack of a hotel room meant I wasn’t settling down to doodle as much as I used to, but I ALSO didn’t draw as much at the previous few cons where I actually DID have a room.  Maybe the fact that I was spending more and more time hunting for pictures meant I didn’t want to stay put long enough to draw anything?  Maybe carrying puppets and plushies around was making it too difficult to get the folder with the paper out of the bag?  I can’t really say why it was happening, but it was, and it was already affecting the shape the comic would take going forward…)