Animazement 2017 – page 16
(Historical Notes: I feel like Past Me probably complained about my chronic inability to get pictures of anybody actually cosplaying at Awesomely Bad, but looking at this now, I just have to marvel at how this sort of “Wait, where’s the video go?” thing STILL happens all the time. Like, disturbingly often. It is astounding how often somebody realizes they never actually got that one clip from somebody else until it’s too late. Thankfully, the parking deck was, like, right there so it wasn’t really that big of a deal. Again, gotta play things up for comedy, right? Also, if the bottom panel looks a bit… “off” to you, it’s because I never bothered to get any nighttime shots to use here. What you’re seeing is a VERY awkward attempt to drench a stock daytime photo of Lenoir St. in enough layers of desaturation and blue gradients to at least LOOK like it’s the middle of the night. It didn’t work.)
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