I can’t really judge, mind you. I read everything up to the big hiatus (in my amazing sense of timing, I finally finished my archive binge and got caught up THE VERY DAY that hiatus was announced) and honestly didn’t think it was all that bad. Where do I turn in my Grumpy Old Geek credentials? I’m clearly no longer qualified to hold them.

Also, it is both awesome and horrifying to think that I’ve been at this long enough for someone to actually be able to say that. WOW.

(Historical Notes: Okay, so I went back and re-read the whole of Homestuck after the big finale went up, and it was WAY less tolerable the second time through.  Like, I can respect the creative genre-bending that went on, and am profoundly jealous of the fanbase and merchandising machine it spawned, but HOLY CRAP the writing is insufferable and the characters are unlikable.  I’d also say that the ending was a big ol’ let-down, but now there’s all this OTHER stuff that I haven’t read/played/whatever’d so I have no idea how much better or worse the “ending” plays in that context.  So don’t worry, Past Me; your Grumpy Old Geek credentials are still secure here in the future.)