(This is the LAST page. Click HERE if you want to read the Animazement comics from the beginning)

The sad thing is, this comic makes us look a lot more responsible than we really were. We’d already been on the road a WHILE before realizing that maybe all the wrong turns we were making were an indication that post-con parties weren’t a very good idea.

But anyway, THAT’S ANIMAZEMENT! Hope you guys enjoyed reading this silliness as much as I enjoyed experiencing/causing it! SO, we’ll be back to weekly filler comics for a while, until the usual Otakon and AUSA madness revs up again. And did someone say something about Illogicon or maybe Anime Weekend Atlanta being in CW’s future? COULD BE! Keep an eye on The Conventional Wisdom Facebook Page or follow me on Twitter for updates!

In the meantime, crap. I still have to draw a new page of Far Out There before I can go to bed…

(Historical Note: Well, ONE of those two ended up happening.  In light of recent changes in policy, it’s kind of funny that the one right here in town DIDN’T get preferential treatment over the one two states away, but life is weird like that.)