I really like playing Saturn Bomberman at Animazement.

No, really. I literally can’t remember an AZ since my very FIRST one where they didn’t have it up on a big screen in the game room. I will be very, very sad the inevitable day when the last of those Saturn controllers break and they can’t rig the thing up anymore.

I should also mention that Wedoca REALLY outdid themselves with the Game Rooms this year… and not the plural, there were THREE separate game rooms. A console room, a retro room (where Saturn Bomberman was) and an arcade room (which was 24 hours, thanks to everything being in the Mariott across the street) Well done, everyone. VERY well done.

(Historical Notes: Man, I STILL miss the multiple game room set tup over in the other hotel.  They eventually went back to the more obvious route of just placing the whole thing in one of the RCC ballrooms, and I have no doubt the logistics of that are way simpler than organizing multiple rooms and having people to staff them and actually booking rooms in another building and all that mess… BUT I STILL MISS IT!)