(Historical Notes: Again, I don’t know how well that sentiment holds up from a professional “I want to draw in readers from across The Internet” standpoint, but it sure felt good at the time.  I’ve said it before and, as morbid as it is, I’ll say it again: I REALLY needed that break that was forced upon my by global lockdown.  Looking back on this page, though, people familiar with where things are in Wake Forest would be forgiven in thinking that these comics depict me leaving my car over by the Renaissance Center and just wandering back across town on foot.  I mean, I can be so forgetful at times that it’s not a TOTAL impossibility for that to happen.

But yeah, that’s all for Wake Forest Mini Comic Con.  I remember that, at the time, Past Me deliberately refrained from putting “2019” in the title because I wasn’t sure if I’d ever actually come back to this one… and you can see for yourself how THAT turned out.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, there’s just one more batch of ConCONcon comics left to re-post, and then WE’LL FINALLY BE ALL CAUGHT UP ON MAIN COMICS!)