(Historical Notes: Okay, I still like the idea of this comic, but even at the time I remember being disappointed with how it turned out.  I like the whole Droste Effect idea in general, and it does nicely depict the paradox that’s presented itself in trying to write comics about events that I only ever really attend for the sake of writing comics about them… but the effect just goes doesn’t work the way Past Me laid out the panels. Why is the me actually drawing the thing NOT in the “original” second panel?  I think my thought was that it didn’t flow well from a reading standpoint to have that part down in the bottom corner when I knew the eye would be drawn back up to the top of the third panel… but that’s STILL HAPPENING even with the drawing me incorporated into the third panel!  I think for this to work as intended, both the first and second panels would have to be on the top row, with a single narrow panel on the lower left being me drawing and the whole lower right being where the two panels repeat and repeat.  Even then, I’d have had to pull some layout trickery in the first panels to make sure that the speech bubbles there would come out “below” the thought balloon in the last one, and I clearly wasn’t thinking that far ahead when I put this together.  LEARN FROM MY FAILURES, CHILDREN!)