Okay, first things first, the in-comic stuff: If you’ve only ever been to big cons in shiny new convention centers covered with giant windows from floor to ceiling, this probably sounds a bit weird to you.  Trust me, though.  If you’re at an older location with a less sunlight-friendly design, or even a smaller event that’s tucked away in the back corner of the convention center, it is AMAZINGLY easy to lose track of the flow of time in the rest of the world.  I can spend all day actively checking the time to keep track of when panels are happening, and STILL be totally caught off guard when I walk past an exit and see it’s gotten dark outside “right out of nowhere.”

But on to the more Real World stuff.  I REALLY did not intend to go this long before the next page, but all the Christmas stuff I do over on Far Out There and Patreon went and took up just as much of my time and energy as the usually do, and… well, if this comic tells you anything, it’s that time gets away from me quite easily.  The ironic thing is, I actually WAS working on the intended next page, but had to stop working on it so I’d have time to work on the comic that’s all about poking fun at how ConCONcon 2022’s pages haven’t been getting done.  So, yeah, ConCONcon will continue to exist in 2022 into the early weeks of 2023.  Technically speaking, this isn’t the first time a con’s pages have spilled over into the next year, but it IS the first time it’s been for a con that only exists in my head, which you’d think I’d have more control over.  Actually, what am I saying?  The fact that ConCONcon only exists in my head is the very reason why it’s always OUT of control!

But the more astute of you will have noticed something: I’m talking about ConCONcon comics spilling over into 2023, and NOT ConCONcon going on hold while I cover some real conventions.  Yes, I’m sorry to report that Conventional Wisdom will NOT be covering Ichibancon this year (and no surprise MAGFest return, either).  To get the good news and bad news rolled up into one: I’m looking at some more ambitious con travel later on this year, but making it happen will require being a LOT more cautious with spending elsewhere.  Namely, no going to cons unless I can score some kind of guest or panelist discount.  Keep watching the various social media outlets for more on that as events develop.  In the meantime, I’m gonna TRY to get the rest of ConCONcon wrapped up by the start of February.  Obviously, there’s one more page already half-done, and I THINK I’ve got three more pages’ worth of material still built up from last year’s travels.  We’ll see what happens.