Animazement 2022 – page 1
So, I’ve gone on at length about how I just don’t find cons as fun as I used to, but this weird sushi epiphany put a whole new spin on it (also, “Sushi Epiphany” is the name of my new chiptune band). There was a time when I barely ever even had a chance to eat sushi. Restaurants that served it were sparse and expensive, most supermarkets hadn’t even thought to sell it, and the only one I knew of that did was around an hour from where I lived. It was an incredibly memorable and unique experience anytime I got to actually try this exotic, mysterious, uniquely Japanese thing… and now it’s just Thursday’s lunch. I mean, it’s certainly nice that I don’t require a special occasion to obtain a food I like, but it also means my life has that fewer special occasions in it. Likewise, anime conventions used to be a thing I only did once a year, full of stuff I never got a chance to see or do otherwise. And now… they’re not. Heck, this is my first Animazement back after two straight cancellations, but it’s also my FOURTH convention since mass gatherings started back up again. Even when a con is special, it’s just not special anymore.
Don’t worry, it’s not all mopey or anything. This is just how I get when I’ve been awake for too long ahead of time. The fun stuff comes later.
But you know what IS special? The fact that I BOTH DREW AND QUEUED UP THIS PAGE ON THURSDAY! That’s how serious I am about getting these comics done in a timely manner, I got one finished before I even WENT to the con! And even better, there’s ANOTHER page already finished and ready to go up tomorrow! I WILL FORCE FEED YOU ANIMAZEMENT CONTENT WITHOUT INTERRUPTION!
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