…and it was the only thing Season 2 did right. OH, LOOK AT ME TROLLING!!!

Seriously, though. I was one of those malcontents who disliked the assumption that Sora would automatically end up with Tai due to him being the main character (plus some “childhood friend first dibs” notions that suggest a very naive understanding of how relationships work), so I thought it was really co that she hooked up with Matt instead… BUT I’ll gladly concede that the “relationship” was as poorly handled as everything else in that trainwreck of a season. I mean, we never see WHY Sora and Tai grew apart, nor anything but the faintest hints of an attraction between her and Matt. Instead, somebody just flicks the Shipping Switch in the series control room and BAM, instant couple!

(Historical Notes: Man, I completely forgot this particular meme was even a thing.  These things REALLY don’t have much of a shelf life, do they?)