Wow, a filler page that’s actually ABOUT something. Been a long time since THAT happened, huh?

But yeah, suddenly things got really frickin’ complicated, right when I was already getting busy. For those of you who don’t know, I’m FINALLY gonna get back into doing Artist Alley stuff at this year’s Animazement. And since I’ve been out of the game for a while, that means I’ve got a LOT of stuff that never got done (if I don’t have a deadline to meet, it doesn’t get finished). So, of course, that’s when arrangements for the NEXT convention had to get all wonky, right?

The funny thing is, it terms of actual time and energy, Animazment’s To Do List still dwarfs Otakon’s. All the problems there are of the Hotel Room or Panel Hosting variety, and there’s still plenty of time to sort it all out. BUUUUUUUUT they’re also things that involve making plans with other people, and anything that involves actual interaction with other human beings will always be the more stressful thing for me.

(Historical Notes: I keep saying it, but stuff like this is what eventually drove me to swearing off the big, far-away conventions entirely)