Wow, this got a lot more autobiographical than I originally intended, but there ya go. To be honest, though, that’s also a total lie. There’s still at least one moment every single day where I imagine what my Behind The Music special would look like.

Also, despite what this comic implies, I do actually really miss taking cello lessons when I was younger. That’d be a fun thing to start up again.

Also also, HOW THE CRAP DID I NEVER SEE SUPER SOUL BROS BEFORE THIS?!?!?!? Holy crap, where have I been?

(Historical Notes: What’s funny is, in the years since this comic, artists live streaming their drawing has totally become a real thing… and I totally don’t get it.  Like, just in general, I’ve developed less and less of a tolerance for unscripted, unedited content, so just watching some rando do whatever does nothing for me.  Even funnier, I’ve actually had people who DO like this stuff suggest that I should get in on it.  That’s absolutely not happening, guys.  Aside from the basic fact that it’s a terrible idea to do something you don’t like just because other people do, I’d just be TERRIBLE at it.  Ninety percent of my “creative process” consists of browsing around YouTube looking for something to be on in the background, or just staring at a blank sheet of paper waiting in vain for inspiration to happen.  There’s no show to be seen here, folks.)