I exaggerate at least a little bit, but not THAT much. The idea of just doing a TGWTG meet and greet rather than a more rigidly organized panel/autograph session is a nice once since it’s more informal and relaxed… or it WOULD have been if they’d had a pig, empty room for everyone to mill about in. Instead, we got a panel room, complete with tables, long rows of chairs, and the occasional projector. This means that you pretty much had to walk around the entire room to reach someone only a few feet away, and it kind of amplified the business of the room. A LOT. Still, everybody was quite gracious and friendly, if a little frazzled. And yes, I did get my many autographs.

Oh, and since people are always asking about this, I’ll go ahead and restate this here: I DID NOT MAKE THIS SERVO PUPPET. I bought it at Intervention from Cinematic for the People. Credit where credit is due!

(Historical Notes: There’s probably a joke to be made about the eventual state of Chanel Awesome here, but that would bleed over into being a joke about the state of internet content creators in general, and it’d all just get too depressing.)