So, here’s the thing: that whole “avoiding the snow” thing involved driving up to DC a day early, which further involved staying at a different, cheaper hotel that night. (Which we’re pretty sure was next door to a meth lab) This is what happens when I’m unexpectedly dropped into unfamiliar accommodations: I start noodle fires.

…and yes, there really WAS fire. AND I REALLY DID STILL EAT IT ANYWAY.

(Historical Notes: To clarify about the whole “hotel next to a meth lab” bit, it was actually a Red Roof Inn a few minutes north of the Gaylord, on one of those weird stretches of suburbia where a formerly residential area has one of it’s streets all bought out by businesses and such, except for a few random properties.  It looked like this one lot with a house on it had kind of been engulfed by office buildings and parking lots, so nobody would want to live there anymore, but it was still too far from the main street to be worth anything as a commercial location.  Instead, it looked like some bus rental company was using it as a makeshift parking lot, but didn’t want to go through the trouble of tearing down the house.  So you just had this obviously abandoned house, with “keep out” spray-painted on big slabs of plywood over all the windows, in the middle of an overgrown lot littered with old buses.  One look, and you’d just naturally assume SOMETHING shady must be happening there.  By the way, I found the motel on Google Earth just now, and it looks like that whole lot has since been completely cleared out.  I’m strangely saddened to learn that the not-meth lab is no more.)