If you’re say the only reason you got in trouble over something was because people were specifically trying to catch you, you’re ALSO implicitly admitting that the only reason you aren’t ALWAYS in trouble is because normally people help cover up what you did.  That’s not a great way to make yourself look innocent.

Also, that’s it for ConCONcon 2021!  That’s… kind of abrupt, isn’t it?  Yeah, sorry about the lack of a build to any kind of big finish.  Let’s say that ConCONcon 2021 was one of those cons that just ended in a whimper, huh?  Please?  Actually, there WAS supposed to be quite a few more pages in this set, and you probably noticed I didn’t even come close to keeping a weekly schedule this time.  I’ve mentioned this elsewhere, but ConCONcon comics are actually a LOT harder to write than regular Conventional Wisdom since I have to make up the entire situation from scratch, put enough of a spin on it that it’s not directly analogous to Real Life, AND THEN try to actually make it funny… which I often do not succeed at.  It’s MUCH easier to do regular con comics (or even anime comics) where the set up is just dropped in my lap and all I have to do is come up with a punchline.  So while there’s still a decent backlog of ConCONcon ideas on my computer, I just didn’t feel up to the numerous drafts they’d require to actually be presentable.  Hopefully I’ll be able to revisit those notes with fresh eyes and make them work when I do ConCONcon 2022 next year.  And that’s the other thing: 2021 is almost over!  We can’t have comics from ConCONcon 2021 in 2022!  And since I’ve already got a special Christmas page ready to post next week, that meant I really needed to wrap up 2021 in a hurry.  So here we are!

But wait, does that mean ConCONcon 2022 will pick up right where this one left off next month?  Nope!  At least, that’s what I’m hoping.  Provided The World cooperates with me for at least the next few weeks, I should be heading back down to Charlotte for my return to Ichibancon in January.  If all goes well, Conventional Wisdom will be all about that for a while.  ConCONcon 2022 will start up… sometime?  I dunno.  After the past few years, I’m SUPER apprehensive about making too many plans for the distant future, so I really have no idea what my con schedule will look like.  I’m obviously hoping to go back to Animazement again this year, but outside of that, I genuinely have no idea what else I’ll be doing.  So I guess the only way to know when ConCONcon 2022 will start is to CONSTANTLY REVISIT THIS PAGE EVERY SINGLE DAY AND WATCH FOR UPDATES!  …with your adblocker off!  …and preferably from different devices so that you look like multiple people! (LEGAL DISCLAIMER: This is a joke and I am in no way suggesting that anybody attempt to fraudulently inflate this website’s statistics)