Okay, so Drunk Duck seems to be having some kind of apocalyptic freak out where new files can’t be uploaded. I have no clue what the problem is or how long it will last, but I’ve decided to try the same solution here that I did on my other comic, Far Out There. Until I can get this week’s page to actually show up here, I’ve posted it on the forum, so you can see it there. Bet you didn’t even know Conventional Wisdom HAD a forum, did you?

For the record, though, ol’ Zilch here was originally created to represent my burned out state of mind during exams, so it’s a fitting match for my current stuffy-headed, feverish, over-medicated self.

(Historical Notes: In the SmackJeeves posting of this page, I included a note bemoaning the fact that I’d put up with DrunkDuck’s problems for so long before finally moving.  The obvious thing would be for me to laugh about how times have changed, and I guess I SORT OF will, but not in the way you think.  No, the truly funny thing to me is that the posting of this comic on the old forum no longer works, since that image was hosted on Photobucket.  And yet, despite everything, The Duck’s version of Conventional Wisdom is still up and working.  It’s amazing which things die and which seem to live forever.)