(Historical Notes: This page got a lot less funny when this happened again and the dome did NOT hold up as well.  It’s all good though, I finally did get around to finding a replacement dome that hasn’t been though any of this punishment.  Also, Past Me kind of goofed while putting this page together.  I had the sense to go take a bunch of pictures in the hotel stairs specifically to use here… but didn’t notice I was in a totally DIFFERENT stairwell.  That might not seem like a big deal, but the fourth panel takes on an entirely different tone than intended this way, because the ACTUAL stairwell had painted white floors instead of bare concrete.  So the “chunks of floor” were actually just flakes of white paint, which of COURSE would show up on a solid black dome.  Servo’s a tough ol’ survivor, but it’s disingenuous of me to imply that the dude can shatter concrete.)