So, I remember back in the day, waaaaaay before the Guidebook app, when all anybody had was a printed schedule for the convention.  You’d have this nice, pretty, full-color, immaculately planned out grid schedule showing everything that would be happening all weekend… and then there’d also be this HUGE errata sheet printed out at the last minute and stuffed into the book to explain all the stuff that had been changed AFTER the main guide had been printed.  Like, there’s a whole lot of stuff I don’t like about using phone apps for everything, but the STAGGERING number of things that get changed on the fly at a con at least make me grudgingly acknowledge that a digital schedule is a lot easier to edit than a printed one.  CASE IN POINT: poor Tim was constantly having people run up and say “Actually, there’s also THIS” or “They’re not on the sheet, but you need to introduce THESE people” and so on.  It made for quite a chaotic hour.  To quote the man himself (more or less), it’s a good thing he bought new jeans, because he was hosting by the seat of his pants.

And dude, I get it.  I was only actually involved with the hosting of two panels all weekend, and I was still having to constantly double check when and where they were happening.  I can even imagine an entire staff’s worth of people all trying to get all their info onto the same sheet of paper at the same time.