So, funny thing. I’d originally drawn a cover for this year’s Otakon comics WEEKS ago, even though I didn’t really have a good idea for one. Heck, that’s what it was about. I just wanted to get it out of the way so I could work on other stuff. And then the Otakon site went down… and staaaaaaaaaaayed down. Hello way more topical idea! (I certainly HOPE the site is back up by the time this page goes live, but still, most of you will get what it’s about)

So, yeah! By the time you see this, I’ll have been in Baltimore for the better part of a day already! If you see me wandering around the con, say hi! (and do it loudly and repeatedly, I have a history of just wandering past people trying to get my attention)

Since I don’t have anything else to do at the moment, we MIGHT actually get the finished comics on line by Wednesday this time! So, if you’ll pardon my saying so, please check back later!

(Historical Notes: It took me a LOT longer than it should have for me to realize I had the original cover saved in the same folder as the other comics.  The original notes just had a link to the SmackJeeves posting of the alternate page, something I STILL don’t have any memory of SmackJeeves allowing me to do, and at first I thought the multiple files in my folder were just some kind of rough draft… even though there’s absolutely no reason why a copy/paste comic like this would NEED a rough draft.  What can I say?  When I re-post too many pages in a row, my brain starts to get a bit mushy.)