(EDIT: I swear, I’m finishing up the comics as you read this. Keep checking, it should all be online by tonight!)

Hey look! It’s Katsucon! Hi Katsucon! As always, you’re most likely reading this while I’m actually at the convention, so stay tuned for a full batch of cartoons on Wednesday (hopefully) Until then… um… Look! It’s like a cereal box, but with an anime convention’s name!

Nerdy note for people who’ve been reading regularly: Now we know what Miffy looks like in color! Funny thing is, it didn’t dawn on me until I sat down to color this thing that even I didn’t know what Miffy looked like in color. Funnier thing: I actually DO have color keys for every mascot character OTHER than Miffy, even though they’ve never been seen in anything other than black and white. I’m not good at this whole planning ahead thing…

(Historical Notes: Ahhh yes, get a load of that frantic parenthetical edit up top because I was freaking out over being a few hours late.  I really am trying to cut back on the “Oh, silly Past Me” remarks, but it REALLY is a head trip to remember a day when getting 18 pages done in 48 hours was considered so normal that I needed to apologize for even slightly missing that mark.  Also, I’d totally use the various social media machines to do that now.  Oh, for those blissful days before Twitter…)