Yep, the giant, opaque, allegedly clock-like glasses now exist in OUR world! I actually tried making some for Katsucon, but that attempt kind of crashed and burned. This time, however, everything worked, and the glasses were a rather big hit. There are definitely more pictures of other people wearing them than there are of ME in them.

As mentioned here, though, it DOES present an odd challenge from a cartooning standpoint. I spent much of the weekend with those glasses up on my hat like goggles, but drawing that would just make it look like I had four eyes (pun not intended). But on the other hand, changing the way I draw the “real” glasses would defeat the purpose of making the fake ones. And then my head exploded.

(Historical Notes: One of these days I really, REALLY need to work out a good way of making a version of these glasses with actual transparent lenses, rather than solid walls of paint, so I can walk around them on my FACE instead of perched on my hat.)