Anyone who’s ever been to an anime convention anywhere EVER knows this is true. Also, thank God for the copy/paste command! 😀
Posts Tagged Otakon
Well, you’re laughing at this, aren’t you? This page is a little disorienting to look at for me. See, I started out doing actual caricatures of the folks I shared a hotel room with, but somewhere in the drawing process[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Absolutely what happened on Thursday. Seriously, it boggled my mind how little time it took to get filthy. And I’m one of the ones who actually makes a serious effort NOT to reek! (Historical Note:Â It helps if you understand[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
How appropriate that my first attempt at a con comic should start with my first trip to the grandaddy of all anime conventions! (Historical Note: And how… I dunno if “appropriate” is the right word, but it’s definitely comment worthy[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…